
We are excited to announce the 5th Annual International Conference on Project Management, hosted by the Department of Management Science and Project Planning within the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences at the University of Nairobi. This significant event is scheduled to take place during the University of Nairobi’s 2023 Research Week. Read more

The theme of this year's conference is Resilience and Sustainability in Project Management.

5th APPM

The conference will explore emerging research and technologies that significantly impact project management, contributing to scientific advancements resilience, and sustainable practices in various communities.

This year’s conference provides a platform for experts from diverse disciplines to share insights, best practices, and the latest advancements in project planning, design, and implementation, Monitoring and evaluation, Project financing, Project management information systems, and emerging issues in the field of project management, community resilience, and sustainable development. Distinguished speakers will be drawn from a diverse spectrum of expertise.

The conference aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and expertise and offers a unique opportunity for professionals, scholars, and visionaries to come together and contribute to the advancement of transformative projects and management.

We invite you to join us in this collaborative endeavor.

Call for papers:


The conference extends invitation for papers within the field of Project Management. Abstracts with a word count ranging from 250 to 400 words are welcome. Upon abstract acceptance, you will be asked to submit a comprehensive full paper, not exceeding 12,000 words


We welcome both empirical and theoretical academic papers, fostering strong collaboration among numerous authors, colleagues, and scholarly peers. We highly endorse co-authored papers, provided that consent is secured from all authors involved. Responsibility rests with the Lead author to obtain requisite co-author consents. All presentations are expected to uphold intellectual property rights legislation. It is emphasized that the University of Nairobi assumes no responsibility for infringements of intellectual property or instances of plagiarism in any conference presentations.

Abstracts for conference presentation must include a description of each of the following:

  1. The research focus or problem
  2. Novel contribution to the ongoing debate on the theme
  3. The theoretical framework informing the research
  4. Research methodology, including ethics
  5. Key insights or findings, and implications
  6. Conclusions and Recommendations 
  7. Suggestions for further studies 

Abstracts and full papers to be submitted via email to the conference secretariat at aicppm-conf@uonbi.ac.ke


The conference will be conducted using a blended approach, combining both physical and online
modes. Registered virtual conference participants will receive a link for access. The conference
proceedings will comprise of presentations and panel discussions.
We as also welcome TED talks, fishbowl and posters.
