UoN Strategic Plan sensitization to Faculty Staff Members


Speaking during the event, Chief Operating Officer , Mr. Brian Ouma highlighted the various projects the  Advancement Office has been working on over the last 10 years, many of them almost bearing fruit. Some of the projects he highlighted include: Science and Innovation Park being funded by the French government  and student hostels at Mamlaka with a bed capacity of about 4,000 which will be funded by the government of Kenya. 

Executive Development Programs for Directors. 

ESG Reporting : 
Date : 12th May - 16th May 2025. 
Cost : Kshs. 80,000 (Excl. Taxes )

Investment Plans and Investment Project Appraisal. 
Date  9th June - 13th June, 2025
Cost : Kshs. 80,000 (Excl. Taxes )

Executive Emotional Acumen
Date : 8th September - 12th September, 2025
Cost : Kshs. 80,000 (Excl. Taxes )

Board Performance and Effectiveness. 
Date  : 7th July - 11th July, 2025 
Cost : Kshs. 80,000 (Excl. Taxes )